Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Projects - Progress

I sent off "Borrowing the Bailout" to some more readers and got great responses. So I started the formatting/proofreading process. Current progress is 11/267 pages. After I finish polishing it a little more I will send it out to some agents.
I have started outlining for my newest project: School for Savants. I've wanted to write this story for a long time, and oddly it is becoming much less fantasy and much more autobiographical as it develops in my mind. It centers around exceptional disabled kids performing heists.
My parenting memoir is going well, but I still feel like I am not quite ready to write it. I have written about 60 pages of disjointed stories.
Alternative Fuel is going strong, despite my recent slump. 152 pages out of a likely 250 pages are done, in the correct format and with decent grammar.